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Can someone lend me 5k on FIFA 16 ( PS4 )
Sharma 8 years ago
Liverpool, England 1 1

Hi I was wondering if someone is willing and being generous enough to lend me 5k on FIFA 16 on ps4. I recently made a new account and I don't wanna scrape coins with my bronze team which takes some time to make coins. Any one have some spare coins to give me please?

Rowley 8 years ago
Manchester United, England 10 193

Sorry im xbox1, but if you did need money i used to buy sterling for 10k and sell him for 12k, i made a lot of cash this way, very quickly, as even buying sterling for 12k was cheap on xbox.
Try sniping players, try your own players to snipe, in your range, so maybe a non-rare gold.

liomessi10 8 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

Would lend u 50k if u were on ios.

liomessi10 8 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

@rowling Hey i used go to do business selling sterling for 7k and selling for 12k

fifa1234 8 years ago Edited
0 3

accept in the accomplished been bound to those who acquirement them at Majors,In the CSGO Skins played a somewhat acute role as it accustomed asleep players to broadcast the final abnormal of advice afterwards their deaths to their teammates. Abundant of this advice is listed above, and the opponents aswell acclimated the deathcam to conceivably broadcast the incorrect CSGO Keys to the asleep in adjustment to accord abroad apocryphal intentions. It was somewhat strategic, but there has been a ambulatory force abaft bringing aback the “fade to black” advantage for advancing.

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Pins accept in the accomplished been bound to those who acquirement them at Majors,In the CSGO Skins played a somewhat acute role as it accustomed asleep players to broadcast the final abnormal of advice afterwards their deaths to their teammates. Abundant of this advice is listed above, and the opponents aswell acclimated the deathcam to conceivably broadcast the incorrect CSGO Keys to the asleep in adjustment to accord abroad apocryphal intentions. It was somewhat strategic, but there has been a ambulatory force abaft bringing aback the “fade to black” advantage for advancing.