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Highlights from other leagues?
DonDiego 8 years ago
Impact De Montreal, Portugal 1 0

Hi erveryone,

I'm new to this website so maybe somebody already asked about this. I was wondering if highlights from other leagues (Portuguese or MLS for example) will be available one day on this website?

Thank you so much


MisterDaniel 8 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 17 92

They are right now :)

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

You'll see highlights for games that will garner attention, such as LA vs NYCFC, or Benfica vs Porto, etc. I'm fairly certain the only league here that has highlights for all of its games posted is the BPL, even the Bundesliga and La Liga don't get all their games posted here.

If the admin thinks it will get views, it shows up, usually.

Gennady 8 years ago
Manchester United 284 3961

@SunFlash why are you spreading false information? BPL, LA Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, Europa League, Champions League have all their highlights from all the matches posted here fairly quick after the matches.

Before posting false info. at least open the leagues menu and have a look yourself ....

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

Huh, you're right, when I go into the leagues section I see all the games.

How come I never see them on the main page then, I usually only see the Juve/Roma/Milans/Madrids/Barca of those leagues. That's weird.

Gennady 8 years ago
Manchester United 284 3961

@SunFlash They are always on the home page as well, it's just that bigger matches are on top of the page, so you have to scroll down...

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

I do scroll down, put I almost never load more than the initial games that show up. Oops.

Learn something new everyday I guess.

netsten 8 years ago
Chelsea, Belgium 44 992

Belgian pro league would be cool.