0 : 0
HT 0 : 0
FT 0 : 0
ET 0 : 0
PEN 3 : 4
Manchester City
  • Kick Off at 16:30 (GMT) on 24th February, 2019
  • The referee for this match is Jon Moss
  • Attendance of 81775 fans at the Wembley
  • This is a match in England - EFL Cup final, Season 2018/2019

  • Chelsea
  • Goals
  • Jorginho (PEN')
  • Azpilicueta (PEN')
  • Emerson (PEN')
  • Luiz (PEN')
  • Hazard (PEN')
  • Cards
  • Luiz (30')
  • Ruediger (72')
  • Jorginho (88')
  • Manchester City
  • Goals
  • Gundogan (PEN')
  • Aguero (PEN')
  • Sane (PEN')
  • Silva (PEN')
  • Sterling (PEN')
  • Cards
  • Fernandinho (58')
  • Otamendi (90')
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  • 7
  • 2
  • 1
    shots on target
  • 5
    shots off target
  • 2
    blocked shots
  • 2
    counter attacks
  • 4
  • 15
  • 38%
226 Votes
Chelsea vs Manchester City
Team Performance
  • Top Class
  • Great
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  • Lucky
  • Poor
  • Top Class
  • Great
  • Average
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  • Poor
Top Comments
Hekasi 6 years ago Edited
Chelsea, England 7 764
Kepa you let us all down, because of your behaviour all the hard work went to trash. Now you will be on bench whole season. #SupportSarri
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Kepa you let us all down
Kepa you let us all down, because of your behaviour all the hard work went to trash.
Kepa you let us all down, because of your behaviour all the hard work went to trash. Now you will be on bench whole season.
akashnai90 6 years ago Edited
Real Madrid 0 398
That keeper is a disgrace. Whether you're ok or not is irrelevant, if the manager decides to make the substitution, you go off. Excellent performance by Hazard and I can't believe what he did with the penalty there. lol. Congrats to City
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That keeper is a disgrace. Whether you're ok or not is irrelevant, if the manager decides to make the substitution, you go off.
Greatone 6 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Australia 19 727
kepa can suck a dick, caballero is a great penalty saver plus he knows half the man city team.. (caballero really showed his professional attitude by keeping his emotions to himself - top class)

ps. odoi is just hype - runs in straight lines with pace. classic english "talent" chelsea should sell him and make some money from his hype
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kepa can suck a dick, caballero is a great penalty saver plus he knows half the man city team..

ps. odoi is just hype - runs in straight lines with pace. classic english "talent" chelsea should sell him and make some money from his hype
All comments
Green5 6 years ago
Barcelona, China 0 15
this new guy (Chelsea keeper) behavior is very bad just like playing street football...
SteveBould 6 years ago Edited
Arsenal, England 8 314
Kepa was worth the money, its not like Bernd Lenos better and not a douche bag or anything....
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Kepa was worth the money, its not like Bernd Lenos better and not a douche bag.....
red_devil_sg 6 years ago
Manchester United 0 36
Jorginho utter garbage, just like our sanchez. these players have to stop sliping into our ranks
FrenchKiss 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 3 689
Jorginho did pretty well at this game, aside from his missed shootout.
InPepWeTrust 6 years ago
Manchester City, England 0 283
Didn't realize I'll be watching a comedy routine in a football match
AnacondaRifle 6 years ago
Chelsea, England 0 242
Why are people getting on kepa's case. Apart from that Aguero flub we would have won if Jorginho and Brazilian sideshow Bob could hit the back of the net
Eden17Hazard17 6 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232
Don't let Kepa and Sarri distract you from the fact that the pass master Jorginho passed the ball to Ederson, instead of shooting.
Leong1221 6 years ago
Manchester City, Hong Kong 0 35
*That is a Jump Pass, for those who didnt watch
mulutcyber 6 years ago
Rochdale AFC, England U19 0 137
So this is how the world most expensive keeper behave? What a joke..
Manmanutd 6 years ago Edited
4 702
Why didnt Sarri let the official raise the board for the substitution? I thought the ref could force a sub off but i found out this isnt true. I think Sarri shouldve or someone other than him like Zola or Azpi shouldve just illegally ran onto the pitch and dragged Kepa off instead.
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Why didnt Sarri let the official raise the board for the substitution instead of rageing infront of the whole stadium? The referee wouldve forced Kepa off the field. I think Sarri let out his emotions due to a deep rooted problem of the Chelsea players continuing to disobey his orders. Kepa was the final straw
ghenji 6 years ago
Borussia Dortmund 0 1360
Caballero is good at stopping PK . That's a low key KEPA there.
Ledley 6 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310
I see what you did there :p
kingkapa 6 years ago
Manchester United, USA 0 365
Now the world knows where the problem lies at Chelsea. The players are complete disgrace to that club, causing managers their jobs, going over giving high 5's to kepa after he just humiliated their coach. Shows you they're all in it. And the Chelsea board & FA needs to sanction kepa severely. Such an unprofessional act. I'm a utd fan yet I'm gutted at what the players are doing to Sarri😡🤮
SIR_SKYWLKR 6 years ago
Bayern Munich, Spain 0 12
Well, I completely agree with you. Just like how disgraceful MU players when causing Mou to be sacked. smh
Spiraklas21 6 years ago
Manchester City, Greece 0 45
Sterling for the wiiiiiiiiinnn! 2 important b2b winners! Not bad for his age
FrenchKiss 6 years ago Edited
Juventus, Italy 3 689
So sad because Sarri had a brilliant strategy and finally abandoned stupid sarriball but couldn't make a good result. That spanish keeper should be sent to the reserve team.
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So sad because Sarri had a brilliant strategy and abandoned stupid sarriball but couldn't make a good result. That spanish keeper should be sent to the reserve team.
er888729 6 years ago
LA Galaxy, USA 0 134
These days players are bigger than the manager..ask mourinho
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Lambo91 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
Why are people mad at Kepa? I understand the manager wanted the veteran GK to take the penalties but why not put faith in your future Chelsea GK Kepa. Even FIFA 19 gave him a +1 upgrade card from 83 to 84 lol and he even saved a penalty shot. If you were at Kepa's spot, you would of done the same. Fight for your dreams.
cursed_genjik 6 years ago
Chelsea, Indonesia 0 20
Kepa went down 2 times in 2 minutes, I think every coach won't risk an injured goalkeeper to go on penalty shootout. Although Kepa can prove that he's okay after went down twice, Sarri already made the decision to change the goalkeeper & everyone on the team have to respect that decision.
Lambo91 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
@cursed_genjik he confirmed that he's okay but the manager kept insisting to sub him off. I understand Kepa's rage to stay. Penalties is not going to injure him all the sudden so stop with the bullshit. Anybody that doesn't respect what Kepa did are losers who accept to be waiting in line for your dreams instead of fighting for it.
LORD_SALAH 6 years ago
Liverpool, Indonesia 0 257
nah cmon if you cant respect your manager decision then you can leave this club freely
SIR_SKYWLKR 6 years ago
Bayern Munich, Spain 0 12
I wonder why some people compare football players over statistics on a video game lol. Is this the future that we are leaving right now? It's completely ridiculous.
I believe that video game you're bragging about didn't teach you about mannerism. ;)
red_devil_sg 6 years ago
Manchester United 0 36
@Lambo91 are you serious? +1 upgrade on FIFA 19 is your advice on PK strategy?
RealMadridKing 6 years ago
Real Madrid 0 667
@lambo91 go to sleep you are drunk
KuntaKante 6 years ago
Chelsea, USA 0 41
As far as I see.... Kepa matched up Ederson on penalty blocks... it was just unfortunate that David Luiz hit the post (which arguably cost them the win)... Sure it was a bit selfish to go against Sarri on the decision, however Kepa was cleared for the cramp suspicion and (in my opinion), he would've done better than Caballero...

Sure Caballero is good at penalty keeping and he knows the City team well, but Kepa is the one who's been primed with the on-pitch experience because he's been the #1 choice for the vast majority of matches. This is even more important since keepers aren't running around as much as other players, so it wasn't really a matter of conserving energy but who was primed to handle the task. And who knows, MAYBE Caballero would've done better or MAYBE he would fuck up...
DoubleDee 6 years ago
Chelsea 0 292
Does that justify what Kepa did? And the asshole can't even stop Aguero's simple kick yet you have the guts to compare him to Caballero. To me Caballero is way better than that shit head called Kepa coz I haven't seen him do something special since his arrival to Stamford Bridge.
Sabiol 6 years ago
Argentina 0 646
kepa think he is better than kahn, schmeichel, neur, schumacher, shilton and filiol all together... jajaja
Iker89 6 years ago
Real Madrid 0 813
too bad Higuain didnt take a penalty:D
BianconeroRH 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 316
Lack of respect towards the fans the team and especially to Caballiero much older then Kepa! But of all no respect at all to the big boss who makes the decisions Sarri! This kind of behaviour is not ok and will never be ok! Sarri should have done more imo but he was mixed with feelings. Now this all is just a fair look on this situation BUT what if he was the hero? How would everyones thought be like? Would it still come from a neutral view?
hadamz 6 years ago Edited
AC Milan, Italy 0 174
How i wished Kepa tried this with a Mourinho, Conte, Fergie or Ancelotti. He would be signing his transfer request tonight for a summer transfer and resume his training with the under 19 squad for the rest of the season. Its the most disgusting thing i have ever seen a player did to a coach, not even a Messi or Ronaldo or Zlatan can try that.
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How i wished Kepa tried this with a Mourinho, Conte, Fergie or Ancelotti. He would be signing his transfer request tonight for a summer transfer and resume his training with the under 19 squad for the rest of the season.
red_devil_sg 6 years ago
Manchester United 0 36
Try that with Fergie, you'll nv play football again
legends16 6 years ago
Chelsea, England 39 783
Kanye MoM
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