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Comment of the Week
Gojira 13 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 12 122

So there was this troll by the name of "Rosario" talking all sorts of trash then this guy came actually shut him up!

Rosario's Mom [Rosario's Mom]
please forgive my troll of a son called see I didn't give him enough love or attention that's why he's on footyroom, and trying to spend away his miserable life...he was an accident and his father was drunk and I was drunk...I am so ashamed of him...we tried to send him to college but he raped his professors and peers...

+5 SuperRobinVanPersie [Arsenal, England]

+5 koldimere [Arsenal, Germany]
that is so mean!! haha!

-3 Rosario [diavolo]
don't worry mum. his beautiful mum's is giving me plenty of love this weekend. that is why he is so angry and creating fake posts about me. his mum is loving my c.o.c.k so no time to make him breakfast in the morning.

+3 Rosario's Dad [Rosario's Dad]
@Rosario You're the biggest accident in the world...look at your language and spelling...thank God I abandoned you and that slut you call a mom!

+2 Gojira [Arsenal, Germany]
troll a troll by trolling on his parents...nice! lol!

-3 Rosario [diavolo]
Always room for one more. his mum's hole is wide enough.

+2 Rosario's Sister [Rosario's Sister]
He raped and molested me when we were kids...I hope you burn in hell!

+3 SuperRobinVanPersie [Arsenal, England]

+3 koldimere [Arsenal, Germany]
oh snap!

Rosario [diavolo]
I find it rather comical as to how you cannot actually try and insult me directly. instead you have to try and create fake posts, as if it will actually get on my nerves lol. i keep throwing the bait your gay ass keeps biting on. this beats dante to comedy

+3 SuperRobinVanPersie [Arsenal, England]
Lol now wheres the bro, i'm sure he'll have another dirty interesting story to tell us about you.. Haha!!

-3 Rosario [diavolo]
he is on its way. he will tell you how i ****** your mum and your sister at the same time last night.

+2 Rosario's Girlfriend [Rosario's Girlfriend]
You guys should know that Rosario has the smallest p.enis on the planet!! Plus I think he's gay because he kept calling me David...oh yes...he's still a virgin!

+3 Julian [Bayern Munich]
ohh man...attacking his manhood is just downright offensive!!! lol! deserves this troll right!

+3 SuperRobinVanPersie [Arsenal, England]
Lol that's typical for a dirty little angry mutt like Rosario :p

Gojira [Arsenal, Germany]
You wanted a direct insult rosario? Here you go: Josef Fritzl (Austrian sex criminal) called, he said he wanted his life back...

GunnerAFC 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026

The girlfriend cracked me up :P

''You guys should know that Rosario has the smallest p.enis on the planet!! Plus I think he's gay because he kept calling me David...oh yes...he's still a virgin!''