Didier Drogba 8Mr Wembeley*
awais007 12 years ago
Chelsea, Pakistan 178 922

awais007 12 years ago
Chelsea, Pakistan 178 922

Some people think that i am posting some dumb and **** posts but those are for fun and if someone hurts than i will not post that type of posts again

now i am posting one of my favrt player post

plz ignore the mistake occur in typing title 


Didier Drogba *Mr Wembley*  

man_utd 12 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

You do in fact post dumb and **** posts!

Vendetta 12 years ago
Chelsea FC, Egypt 202 3025

Ignoring your other recent posts, I like the pictures you posted here. Especially the last one. When he came to Chelsea for 26 million and they all doubted he would live up to his price, but he proved them all wrong. He is a legend!

ramaboy10 12 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

awais I do really hate you,,, but good post.

Lodatz 12 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992


Dynastian98 12 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Anyone else noticed that he racked up 71 assists at Chelsea!!! Mind-blowing stuff from a center forward! He gave half as many assists as he scored goals! Absolute LEGEND!

Dynastian98 12 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Haha! I love how Jose Mourinho makes the most unexpected signings and then turns the players into legends! Love him or hate him, give Mourinho respect for spotting Drogba and doing this (and Drogba isn't the only player Mourinho has changed like this!).

TheTruth 12 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 5 246

@Dynatian98 I would love it if you did a comparison between Drogba and Henry  =)

tdot2barca 12 years ago
Assyriska FF, Brazil 35 956

Nice post.

Btw how does awais have 0 thumbs down ?

ramaboy10 12 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

^ just realized! multi-accounter alert!